DREAMers Are Our Future
Thousands of students are hoping for the chance to realize their dreams of higher education and employment as fully contributing members of society through the passage of the DREAM Act. Undocumented students are currently faced with closed doors at every turn, through no fault of their own. They are barred from receiving financial aid and scholarships, and some states have begun to bar undocumented students from attending community colleges. Even after working hard and paying their own way through college, their job prospects are cut off by their lack of working papers. They can't get a driver's license, can't work legally, can't be the fully productive Americans they want to be.
We all lose when the talent and ambition of these bright young people goes to waste. We can all win by opening the doors of opportunity to those who work so hard and deserve the chance to succeed.
You can take 2 easy steps to support the passage of the DREAM Act!
At Change.gov, add your vote and your voice to President-elect Obama's Citizen's briefing book. The most popular ideas will be presented to him after his swearing in, so every vote is vital to getting the DREAM Act the attention it deserves!
At Change.org, your vote will help make the DREAM Act a priority in making positive change in our country a reality. The deadline for this action is Thursday, January 15, at 5 p.m. EST.
Help ensure a bright future for the United States of America through our immigrant children. It's how this country has always grown and prospered! It's the American Dream!
Dear Janna :
I study Demography, Racial Composition, etc...
There is a wonderful Website about Texas, Higher Education, and the need to educate Young Latinos as an Economic Asset for Texas Future.
I quote from "Regional Plan for Texas - Higher Education"
The racial/ethnic composition of the 18-35 age group will change remarkably in the nexteight years. As a percentage of the individuals in the 18-35 cohort, whites will decreasefrom 39.9 percent in 2007 to 34.9 percent in 2015; African Americans will remain stableat 11.6 percent and 11.5 percent; and Hispanics will expand from 44.2 percent to 49.1 percent. This population shift has great significance for higher education.
The 18-35 Hispanic age group will increase from only slightly higher than the white population to more than 1 million higher than whites by 2015. Growth will be concentrated in the Gulf Coast, Metroplex, and South Texas regions.
So you can see how the USA can gain Economically, Politically, and in Military Efforts with the help coming from Young Latinos. And evicting them can harm the Economy and cause one million Political problems.
More Information here :
Vicente Duque
Dear La Mariposa en la Pared Members,
The country is buzzing. We will watch history unfold as Barack Obama takes office next week. January 20th will usher in a New Day for America and a renewed hope for Just and Humane Immigration Reform.
Now is our time to take action and push for change.
In Washington, DC on the first day of the new administration we will hold a day of ACTION for immigrants’ rights. We need you to be a part of it.
• DONATE: Click here to DONATE to help make the day of action possible. As little as $5 will help us in our goal to create a New America that includes immigrants.
• TEXT: Want to receive mobile updates? Text “Justice” [“Justicia” for Spanish] to 69866.
• GET OTHERS INVOLVED: Pass this message on to your friends, family and colleagues. (If you are messaging groups – say members here instead)
• MARCH: If you will be in DC for the inauguration, come join us on the day of the action. For details visit www.ANewDayforImmigration.org
January 21st will be a New Day for Immigration in this country, but change won’t happen without you. Can we count on you to stand up for immigrants?
Visit www.anewdayforimmigration.org to DONATE and join the movement.
In solidarity,
Sarah Regenspan
Is everything OK? I hope you are well and maybe just to busy to visit your blog. I was reading your last entry and believe me that i relate to it. In high school i was one of those A students and actually was awarded with a scholarship of $ 1,000.00 but because i did not have any ssn i was not able to get the money and many more things!
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